Sunday, August 10, 2008

Delayed gratification

I listen to Dr. Joy Browne when I run, and she is wise. Today she said that kids who learn to delay their gratification, according to studies, perform better in school and are, overall, beter workers and performers. She also said not to pick up a crying baby immediately every time he starts to cry. I will practice this with Benjamin right now, as I let him cry for a few minutes as he is waking up from his nap.

Today I had to do a long run for my marathon training. Usually it takes five or six miles before I feel any endorphin rush (gratification). Today at five miles I felt no gratification. At ten miles I felt no gratification. 15 miles: nothing. Not until I reached my block (20 miles) did I feel any sort of runner's high.

So Benjamin and I have both experienced delayed gratification today. The kid is going to Yale, I'm sure. However, I am not yet sure how my delayed gratification will be beneficial.

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