Thursday, August 7, 2008

M & M

This year I want to become the teacher I was during my first few years of teaching: tirelessly enthusiastic and really connected to my students. To do this I have a plan. Within this plan are several mini plans.

My first mini plan is called M & M: movies and music. The steps in this plan are as follows:

1. Have students write down their favorite song and/or band and favorite movie.
2. Read responses.
3. Begin the long process of making CDs for class that contain their favorite songs.
4. Check legality of step 4.
5. If legal, play CDs at the beginning of class each day.
6. Students (I'm sure) will say things like, "Hey, this is my favorite song!"
7. Students will want to talk to me more?
8. Begin long process of viewing movies and TV shows (this may take the entire year).
9. Talk to kids about the movies and TV shows.
10. Connect more with students?
11. Yes, connect more with students.

I do not know if this plan will turn out like my text message plan did last year. Last fall, I asked kids for their cell phone numbers. My plan was to send kids encouraging text messages when they deserved praise or needed a kind word. It's a great idea I got from a a great colleague, and I did it a total of three times.

My husband thinks the M&M plan is too complicated. It could backfire, and instead of helping me become tirelessly enthusiastic, it will just make me tired.

We'll see.

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